I read the bible dictionary. The part that interested me was when it said that the "so called difficulty" people have in praying comes from forgetting the relationship that God is our Father. I like that because as long as we remember that we are His children and He is our Father, then prayer comes naturally. I love how prayer gives me such clarity into so many things in my life. When I pray, I gain a greater understanding of my children, who they are, what they are doing, and how I am doing as their mother. A quite humbling perspective that helps me immensely.
As I studied the scriptures, I liked in Jeremiah where He talks about loving us and wanting to give us the great ending. He truly does want what is best for us.
I also read in Luke 18 the parable of the Unjust Judge. In my trying to understand this parable a bit better, I found this quote, “Jesus did not indicate that as the wicked judge finally yielded to supplication so would God do; but He pointed out that if even such a being as this judge, who ‘feared not God, neither regarded man,’ would at last hear and grant the widow’s plea, no one should doubt that God, the Just and Merciful, will hear and answer” (Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. I know He hears and answers my prayers. I know that the more I pray, the more in tune I am to His will and the better my day goes.
I love Elder Bednar's talk. I love how he talks about praying always. I was touched by his thoughts on how to pray each day. He says,
"We learn from these verses that the spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. In a similar way, meaningful morning prayer is an important element in the spiritual creation of each day—and precedes the temporal creation or the actual execution of the day. Just as the temporal creation was linked to and a continuation of the spiritual creation, so meaningful morning and evening prayers are linked to and are a continuation of each other.
Consider this example. There may be things in our character, in our behavior, or concerning our spiritual growth about which we need to counsel with Heavenly Father in morning prayer. After expressing appropriate thanks for blessings received, we plead for understanding, direction, and help to do the things we cannot do in our own strength alone. For example, as we pray, we might:
- Reflect on those occasions when we have spoken harshly or inappropriately to those we love the most.
- Recognize that we know better than this, but we do not always act in accordance with what we know.
- Express remorse for our weaknesses and for not putting off the natural man more earnestly.
- Determine to pattern our life after the Savior more completely.
- Plead for greater strength to do and to become better.
Such a prayer is a key part of the spiritual preparation for our day."
I want my prayer to be more sincere and to be more linked. I remember in Texas and talking with Patti, that we shared how each day should begin with gospel study to show the Lord that we put Him first. As we do this, everything else falls into place. My goal for this week isn't just to increase the sincerity of my prayers but also to begin my days with gospel study to set the tone for the rest of the day.
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